21 de enero de 2013

No todo es arquitectura / Not everything is architecture

Hace poco hemos tenido oportunidad de hacer un home-staging y esta mecedora era una de las piezas susceptibles de formar parte del mobiliario. Los dueños estuvieron a punto de deshacerse de ella, pero tan solo tenía rota la rejilla del asiento, el resto estaba intacto, por lo cual, tras limpiarla, todos nos convencimos de que podía tener futuro.

Nos la llevamos al taller, desmontamos el asiento, eliminamos todos los restos de rejilla rota, cortamos una madera y una espuma a la medida y procedimos al forrado con una tela ocre de chenilla.
El resultado lo tenéis aquí abajo. Sin ser unas profesionales, no quedó mal del todo y fue un trabajo bastante divertido.

Aquí la tenéis ya colocada en su sitio ¿Queréis ver cómo quedó el resto? Os lo contamos el próximo día.

Some time ago we have had the chance to make a home-staging and this rocking chair was one of the pieces capable of taking part of the furniture set. The owners were on the point of getting rid of it, but it only had torn the grid of the seat, the rest was undamaged, so, after cleaning it, we all became convinced that it could have future.

We took the chair to the atelier, dismantled the seat, took all the remains of torn grid off, cut a plywood board and a foam with the measures of the seat, and we covered them with a fabric in yellow ochre.

Here you are the result. Without being  professionals in tapestry, the final image didn't look so bad, and it was a rather entertaining work.

Here it is, already placed in its corner. Do you want to see the rest of the house? We are going to tell it to you next day.

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