En la región francesa del Languedoc-Rosellon, cerca de Nimes, se encuentra esta casa rural que sus dueños han renovado con mucho cariño y sin gastarse mucho dinero. Es su tercera casa hasta la fecha y en esta ocasión se han dejado llevar por lo que el lugar les inspiraba, devolviendo al inmueble el aire típico de la comarca.
In the French region of the Languedoc-Roussillon, close to Nimes, is placed this country house that its owners have renewed with love and without spending too much money. It is their third house to date and this time they have been involved by the inspiration of the place to return the house the typical air of the region.
In the French region of the Languedoc-Roussillon, close to Nimes, is placed this country house that its owners have renewed with love and without spending too much money. It is their third house to date and this time they have been involved by the inspiration of the place to return the house the typical air of the region.
Las claves han sido las que os contamos a continuación:
- Una profunda limpieza constructiva del inmueble, eliminando todos aquellos elementos impropios y superfluos.
- Un gran respeto por los materiales: muros de mampostería, arcos de piedra, pavimentos hidráulicos y de barro cocido, estructura de madera...
- Mobiliario estéticamente integrado a base de materiales naturales: madera, fibras, textiles tradicionales.
These are the keys:
- To clean the building, removing all the improper and superfluous elements.
- To have a great respect for the materials: walls of masonry, stone arches, cement tile floors, fired-clay tiles, wooden structure...
- To use a stylish furniture based on natural materials: wood, fibers, ancient textiles.
Para el acondicionamiento de la casa han recurrido a rastros, a objetos heredados y a otros comprados en sus múltiples viajes. Tapicerías con viejos sacos de grano, pinturas ecológicas, textiles de lino, microcemento... han sido una constante en el resultado final.
Y un truco: cuando han utilizado elementos actuales, como los pufs Alseda de ikea, los han combinado sabiamente con encajes autóctonos, porque lo nuevo no está reñido con lo eterno.
To prepare the house they have gone to flea markets, and have used inherited objects and others bought in their several travels. Tapestries with old grain bags, ecological paints, linen fabrics, tadelakt cement... all of these things have been important for the final result.
And take note of this tip: when they buy some new ornaments, as the Alseda pufs from ikea, they combine them wisely with local laces, because the new and the eternal thing are able to coexist.
To prepare the house they have gone to flea markets, and have used inherited objects and others bought in their several travels. Tapestries with old grain bags, ecological paints, linen fabrics, tadelakt cement... all of these things have been important for the final result.
And take note of this tip: when they buy some new ornaments, as the Alseda pufs from ikea, they combine them wisely with local laces, because the new and the eternal thing are able to coexist.
¿Verdad que dan ganas de abandonar la ciudad por una buena temporada?
Wouldn't you want to leave the city for a long period?
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